Exploring the Nefertiti Neck Lift with Dr. Laura Geige


The Nefertiti Neck Lift, named after the ancient Egyptian queen renowned for her graceful and elongated neck, has emerged as a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating the neck and jawline. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the Nefertiti Neck Lift, exploring its technique, benefits, candidacy, and more with insights from Dr. Laura Geige, a leading expert in cosmetic surgery.

Understanding the Nefertiti Neck Lift

The Nefertiti Neck Lift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to redefine and contour the neck and jawline without the need for surgery. Named after Queen Nefertiti, who was celebrated for her elegantly sculpted neck, this technique involves the strategic use of neuromodulators (such as Botox) and/or dermal fillers to address various concerns, including:

Sagging skin and muscle laxity in the neck.

Horizontal neck bands (platysmal bands).

Loss of definition along the jawline (jowls).

Excess fat accumulation beneath the chin (submental fullness or “double chin”).

Techniques Used in the Nefertiti Neck Lift

Dr. Laura Geige explains that the Nefertiti Neck Lift can be customized to suit the unique anatomy and aesthetic goals of each patient. Common techniques employed in this procedure include:

Neuromodulators (Botox)

By strategically injecting Botox into the platysma muscle along the jawline and neck, muscle activity is temporarily weakened, allowing the opposing muscles to lift and redefine the jawline. This results in a smoother, more sculpted appearance without the need for surgery.

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, such as Juvederm or Restylane, can be used to restore volume and contour the jawline and chin area. Fillers are strategically injected to add definition, minimize wrinkles, and create a more youthful contour along the jawline and chin.

Candidates for the Nefertiti Neck Lift

Ideal candidates for the Nefertiti Neck Lift are individuals who are bothered by sagging skin, loss of definition in the neck and jawline, or the appearance of a “double chin.” Dr. Geige evaluates each patient during a thorough consultation to determine candidacy for the procedure. Candidates typically exhibit the following characteristics:

Mild to moderate signs of aging in the neck and jawline.

Good overall health and realistic expectations.

Desire for a non-surgical solution to address neck and jawline concerns.

Absence of contraindications to neuromodulators or dermal fillers.

The Consultation Process

Before undergoing the Nefertiti Neck Lift, patients meet with Dr. Laura Geige for a comprehensive consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Geige conducts a thorough examination, discusses the patient’s aesthetic goals, and develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs. The consultation serves as an opportunity for patients to ask questions, express concerns, and gain a thorough understanding of the procedure, including potential risks and expected outcomes.

Preparing for the Procedure

Prior to the Nefertiti Neck Lift, patients receive detailed preoperative instructions from Dr. Geige and her team. These instructions may include:

Discontinuing certain medications or supplements that may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco products in the days leading up to the procedure.

Arranging for transportation to and from the clinic on the day of the treatment.

Following any specific dietary guidelines provided by Dr. Geige.

The Nefertiti Neck Lift Procedure

On the day of the procedure, patients arrive at the clinic and undergo a brief preparation period. Dr. Laura Geige administers topical anesthesia or a numbing cream to minimize discomfort during the injections. Using a fine needle, neuromodulators and/or dermal fillers are strategically injected into targeted areas along the neck and jawline to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome. The entire procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete.

Recovery and Post-Treatment Care

Following the Nefertiti Neck Lift, patients may experience mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites. However, these side effects are temporary and usually resolve within a few days. Dr. Geige provides post-treatment instructions to optimize healing and ensure the best possible results, including:

Applying ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort.

Avoiding strenuous activities and excessive neck movement for the first 24-48 hours.

Refraining from touching or massaging the treated area.

Following any additional recommendations provided by Dr. Geige for optimal recovery.

Results and Longevity

Patients typically notice an improvement in neck and jawline contour immediately following the Nefertiti Neck Lift, with optimal results becoming apparent within a week or two as any swelling subsides. The effects of neuromodulators typically last 3-4 months, while dermal fillers can provide results for 6-18 months or longer, depending on the specific product used. To maintain the results of the Nefertiti Neck Lift, patients may choose to undergo periodic touch-up treatments as recommended by Dr. Geige.

Potential Risks and Considerations

While the Nefertiti Neck Lift is considered a safe and effective procedure, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and complications, which may include:

Temporary bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection sites.

Rare allergic reactions to neuromodulators or dermal fillers.

Asymmetry or uneven results, which can typically be corrected with additional treatment.

Rare but serious complications, such as infection or nerve injury, though these are extremely uncommon when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner like Dr. Geige.


In conclusion, the Nefertiti Neck Lift offers a non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to rejuvenate and redefine the neck and jawline. With the expertise and guidance of Dr. Laura Geige, patients can achieve natural-looking results with minimal downtime and discomfort. Whether using neuromodulators, dermal fillers, or a combination of both, the Nefertiti Neck Lift can help restore confidence and enhance the overall appearance, allowing individuals to enjoy a more youthful and elegant neck contour inspired by the timeless beauty of Queen Nefertiti.

Redensity 1

Redensity 1 is an innovative skin treatment designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the delicate under-eye area. It consists of a unique blend of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, which work synergistically to hydrate the skin, reduce dark circles, and improve skin elasticity. Redensity 1 is administered through a series of microinjections, resulting in brighter, smoother, and more youthful-looking eyes.

Xela Rederm

Xela Rederm is a cutting-edge skin revitalization treatment that combines hyaluronic acid with a unique blend of antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals. This innovative formula helps to improve skin hydration, texture, and luminosity while reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Xela Rederm is administered through microinjections, resulting in refreshed, radiant skin with minimal downtime.


Polynucleotides, also known as PDRN (polydeoxyribonucleotide), are naturally occurring molecules derived from salmon DNA. When injected into the skin, polynucleotides stimulate cell regeneration, collagen production, and tissue repair, leading to improved skin texture, elasticity, and overall rejuvenation. Polynucleotide treatments are particularly beneficial for promoting wound healing, reducing scarring, and enhancing skin vitality.


NCTF, short for New Cellular Treatment Factor, is a unique anti-aging solution containing a complex blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and hyaluronic acid. This potent cocktail of ingredients helps to nourish and revitalize the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, improving hydration, and restoring a youthful complexion. NCTF treatments are administered via microinjections, providing comprehensive rejuvenation for the face, neck, and décolletage.

Light Eyes Ultra

Light Eyes Ultra is an advanced treatment specifically formulated to target dark circles, puffiness, and fatigue around the eyes. This specialized solution contains a blend of peptides, antioxidants, and brightening agents that help to improve microcirculation, reduce inflammation, and brighten the under-eye area. Light Eyes Ultra treatments are administered through gentle massage or microinjections, resulting in refreshed, radiant eyes and a more youthful appearance.